Long range UAV link 100mw for 60KM was designed and tested

Hi @cala2, thank you :pray:.
I have installed tower on my Android and also QGC.

The QGC works great but tower is not and I think that it should make sense to have someplace to configure the Bluetooth connection in Tower for it to use but I can’t find it.

The tower only shows on bottom left- connect. Button and a drop down to select the type of unit i.e t10/t12 but no Bluetooth connection

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You drop the tree points near connect? I just download the last vers, I give a try and comment if is still connecting well.

Yes, It work well with my M12 L, dont forget to turn on Bthoot (like me :flushed: ) try to unpaired your radio under the tree points and then paired again in Bt settings to see what happens. good luck.

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If you opened QGC first and connected then closed it and tried to connect with Tower, it’s possible that QGC is still running in the background and connected to the Tx. You may have to use Device Maintenance to actually close and shut off the app to be certain that it release its connection. You can also powercycle the tablet then connect to Tower first.

Good luck.


O.K, got it working.

@cala2 @rollys thank you for all the suggestions.

I have tried all the Tower versions in the repository and the one with the “debug” in its name works.

Now I need to check why the camera is not working.

It shows just one blurry image and though I tried changing its brightness and exposure nothing is changing.

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You have to use skydroid Tower from their page, are you choose that? The older vers doesnt work video, skydroid repair it

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Thanks @cala2 I tried all the versions in the DropBox which didn’t have an option to choose the Bluetooth connection.

Do you have the link to FUAV download page?

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I hope this is.

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If you want to use qgc with fpv you can use this app Its run parallel with qgc http://app.xiaomi.com/details?id=com.shenyaocn.android.fuav&back=true&ref=mobileWeb

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Thanks @cala2, downloaded and installed latest Tower.

The funny thing was I needed to select the M12 and than the Bluetooth connection showed up.

I didn’t test yet, I will do it in the morning.

Thanks again for all your help.


Happy to say that everything is working flawlessly.

Running some tests. On the workbench and hopefully tomorrow, maiden flight for the t12…


Congrats, good luck with your first fly, share a pic :smiley:

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Hi @rickyg32, all,

I think this t12 user manual can be added to the DropBox repo.

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Well, the bad news, I crashed. The good news, it cost me 3 broken props and one of the new t12 antenna wire got disconnected from the antenna base.
All was fantastic, I initiated autotune an the quad behaved nicely until it dropped.

It has nothing to do with the t12, that’s for sure.
I upgraded to 3.6.10 so I believe that I misconfigured something.

Any way just before the crash I videoed just to share with you and when I stopped it crashed.

The video

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Added it this morning.
Thanks for the suggestion

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Sorry to hear about the crash. I have found 3.6.10 a little trickier to configure. Not sure why but I have had a few weird challenges with it.
Best of luck.

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What a pitty your crash, did you detect the reason? share your log in arducopter section and refer Us to it to try to help If you need; I always try to manual tune first to ensure is flyable and then try autotune, Leonard wrote nice instruction to this task just in case you dont see I share http://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/tuning-process-instructions.html
Good luck next time, nice ship.

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@cala2 actually I have no clue what happened. One minute it was up there where I take a video :wink: and the next thing I see it’s going down.

Here is the link to the thread, I would appreciate you take a look.


Looks what new guys : :astonished:

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Crashed again.

Can anyone share an image of the radio setting of ch 1-4 from the Skydroid helper please. Maybe my configuration is flawed.


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