Loiter mode resulting in crash

Attitude is good, especially considering the wind.
Yaw is good.
Altitude is reasonable - wind and weather can easily affect altitude so this is a good sign.
Vibrations and harmonic notch filter - perfect.

Although there is lots of motor output/throttle activity, there doesnt appear to be unusual activity and oscillations like previous. The altitude controller looks to be doing well now instead of going crazy.
Drop MOT_SPIN_MIN down to 0.13 , this wont affect much, motor4 was going to minimum sometimes probably due to the wind.

For more manual throttle increase ATC_THR_MIX_MAN to 0.7 or as high as 0.9 if required. Test, because it will also affect attitude control in some situations.
If you use Stabilise mode you will have near full control, this can be used for those speed runs (increase ANGLE_MAX too) and moon shots.
Acro is there if you are so inclined.

If you get a windless day, Autotune should do a good job.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding is that higher values reduce manual throttle control, as described here in the Complete parameter list.

ATC_THR_MIX_MAN: Throttle Mix Manual
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Throttle vs attitude control prioritisation used during manual flight (higher values mean we prioritise attitude control over throttle)

yeah, attitude I thought did really well in the 15-20 mph wind (gust to 25ish)

This copter has 3010 1010kv motors on 4s and 10X4.5X3 props it has a LOT of lift so a motor going to minimum don’t surprise me, I’ll be sure to make that change. I’m thinking about trying some bi-blade props and that would help this issue too I think. Really tho. I’m after flight time so after I get some good full battery flights in I’ll do some experimenting.

So… The problem with this is when I switch out of Stabilise mode to Att mode, or GPS mode the copter will drop. I think this is due to my hover point being around 20-25% And ardupilot is adjusting it to mid stick for ATT and GPS. is there a way to address this? (Throttle curve in TX? that would take some playing about to get right I think)

However, the main reason for this Copter is to use it to survey land, check fence line, check on live stock. things of this nature, so I’ll be in ATT or GPS like 99% of the time. I plan on doing most of that as missions. but when i take over and “if” i need to punch out to avoid something is my concern.
And Acro… well I’ll be to tempt to do stuff and things I would normally do with a 5" quad :rofl:
So with that said I’m not looking for FULL throttle, double what it is now would be good I think.
Ill have a play with ATC_THR_MIX_MAN to 0.7 or as high as 0.9

Also would these parameters here be worth adjusting to get what I’m looking for?

PILOT_SPEED_UP: Pilot maximum vertical speed ascending

PILOT_ACCEL_Z: Pilot vertical acceleration

And this for mid stick feel:

THR_DZ: Throttle deadzone

I am unsure what to change this too to try. the docks say * If the throttle stick is in the middle (40% ~ 60%) the vehicle will maintain the current altitude.
20% of your stick does nothing at all. seem excessive, especially with modern radio links and Hall-effect gimbles we have now (using Elrs) I remember back in the day they had ALOT of jitter going on, not so much anymore.

so I would like to try say… 45%-55% or maybe 47%-53%

Thanks again for your time.