Log paramenter lists

Hi everyone, !
i’m looking for the explanation of all parameters within a Log file.
I’m not able to understand what do they mean.
help :wink:

foto missionplanner log|690x388

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This is a good place to start

check this https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-downloading-and-analyzing-data-logs-in-mission-planner.html

Unfortunately, there is no one single place that explains all log items.

this list is related to the “full parameter list” section.

Logs parameters are pretty differents

this is the right page, if the list was update to the last version of arducopter. :wink:
the list i find in my logs (arducopter ver. 3.6.9) is way to far to which is explained in the link you posted…;-(

this is the answer i was afraid to receive. ;-(
I travelled all around the net but any updated list came out.

How is that possible?
I’m not able to understand what each parameter means…It’s useless in some way ;-(

If you does not afraid of C code, check this file ardupilot/libraries/AP_Logger/LogFile.cpp at master · ArduPilot/ardupilot · GitHub most of the log entries are generated by this. And you can figure out most of the fields from the code. Like this :

const struct log_IMU pkt{
    time_us : time_us,
    gyro_x  : gyro.x,
    gyro_y  : gyro.y,
    gyro_z  : gyro.z,
    accel_x : accel.x,
    accel_y : accel.y,
    accel_z : accel.z,
    gyro_error  : ins.get_gyro_error_count(imu_instance),
    accel_error : ins.get_accel_error_count(imu_instance),
    temperature : ins.get_temperature(imu_instance),
    gyro_health : (uint8_t)ins.get_gyro_health(imu_instance),
    accel_health : (uint8_t)ins.get_accel_health(imu_instance),
    gyro_rate : ins.get_gyro_rate_hz(imu_instance),
    accel_rate : ins.get_accel_rate_hz(imu_instance),

my problem is that there’s no meaning in each short-cut paramenter’s name.

for example:

CTUN is divided in:

  • thl
  • ABst
  • ThO
  • ThH
    and so on…

How can i understand what each parameter is showed for ?
Un less make an internet research for eachone and find in some forum if there’s a discussion focus on it.

p.s. CTUN is an example.

Most of these parameters can be interpreted only if you understand the underlying code. For example CTUN consists of the following fields :

    time_us             : AP_HAL::micros64(),
    throttle_in         : attitude_control->get_throttle_in(),
    angle_boost         : attitude_control->angle_boost(),
    throttle_out        : motors->get_throttle(),
    throttle_hover      : motors->get_throttle_hover(),
    desired_alt         : des_alt_m,
    inav_alt            : inertial_nav.get_altitude() / 100.0f,
    baro_alt            : baro_alt,
    desired_rangefinder_alt : desired_rangefinder_alt,
    rangefinder_alt     : surface_tracking.get_dist_for_logging(),
    terr_alt            : terr_alt,
    target_climb_rate   : target_climb_rate_cms,
    climb_rate          : int16_t(inertial_nav.get_velocity_z()) // float -> int16_t

All these are related to altitude. You can then decode that DCRt is the Desired (Target) climb rate, and CRt is the actual ClimbRate calculated from the inertial sensors Z speed. etc. etc.

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so right now i’m going to write down a full list explanation. But i need your help for some paramenters.

I’m stuck in DSF parameters.

Anyone please may tell me what do they mean?

Log of the Dataflash Logger (Dataflash File Stats) It is only relevant if you check for potential SD or Dataflash memory issues

Dp - Dropped packets
Blk: written data blocks
Bytes: written bytes
FMn Buffer space Min
FMx Buffer space Max
FAv Buffer space average

so right now i¢m going to write down a full list explanation. But i need your help for some paramenters.

fields rather than parameters

I¢m stuck in DSF parameters.



Number of internal errors


Number of messages that have been written out, essentially.


Number of bytes that have been written.


Minimum free space that was available in the buffer since last message was


Maximum etc etc


Average etc etc

Anyone please may tell me what do they mean?

I was hoping to capture this stuff within the ArduPilot source code so we
could generate some XML for it. Are you interested in helping with that


i’m not 100% able to use XML Language.
I’d be happy to be usefull for this comunity but i’m not sure i can do this.
Right now i’m collecting all fields with each explanation to built up an xls file in a way to help all unexpert users to better understand log file.

RIght now i’m just looking for the. meaning of U field within GPS folder.
U - ??

let me know if my work may be usefull for you

i¢m not 100% able to use XML Language.

You don’t need to - the tools create the .xml files (and the .html and the
.rst files).

I¢d be happy to be usefull for this comunity but i¢m not sure i can do this.

I’ve had an open pull request to allow us to add inline documentation for
the onboard log messages for some time. You can see an example of adding
the documentation here:

Right now i¢m collecting all fields with each explanation to built up an xls file in a way to help all unexpert users to better understand log file.

Ideally this information is next to the fields in the code and we extract
that programatically. This means the information is much less likely to
get out of date.

RIght now i¢m just looking for the. meaning of U field within GPS folder.
U - ??

That’s just a boolean value - true if the GPS is currently being used.

let me know if my work may be usefull for you

Honestly, it’s going and doing the research to work out what these fields
actually mean which is the time consuming bit. It just took me a minute
or two to go and make sure I got the description correct for that field,
for example.

I added a commit to the PR to add descriptions for the GPS message. It’s

Brilliant, suddenly I have lots of time while being grounded, will look into the code and add some docs…
Thanks !

thank you very much for your help.
I’ve almost completed my work, creating an XLS file with all field explanation.
I’m asking for a last help to complete it. At the end i’ll post here my file hoping it will be help full for the comunity. (honestly during these days i found a lot of posts related to this argument)
I’ve a list of question i hope you can easily answer. it wwill bee very appreciated. Thanks. SO:

  • what’s the ddifference between ATT fields and RATE fileds? (eg. ATT_desROLL and RATE_Rdes)
  • MULT_ID and MULT_mult meaning ?
  • TERR_pending andd TERR_loaded ?
  • UBX1_instance
  • UBX2_instance

al lastly when is used term ORIGIN, HOME and POSITION

:wink: i’m done
thank you again

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Is it possible for us to get a look at that file? we are trying to improve the WIKI docs on log messages as we speak…thanks

of course. I would have liked to end it before share it, but here’s the link

please this is a raw file, just wrote down this afternoon coping my handwritten data.

If you may update cells with ??? (where i did not find any explanation) i’ll be gratefull. My work would be complete.

This is a file for unexepert user by the way may be very usefull to start undesrtanding the logs parameters.

I hope this will be helpfull.

Waiting your upgrade ;-)…

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@hwurzburg have you take a look on a file?

@peterbarker what do you think? may you help me with the blanked lines?

thank you guys