Lidar lite v3 fails to measure more than 15 meters

I have just tested terrain follow with Lidar lite v3. It works nice below 15 meters. But more than 15 meters my copter goes from Auto mode to the RTL mode! I tested the Lidar lite v3 for different distances, it can not measure the distance more than 15 meters and shows 0.01 instead. The log file is shared with the link:

I do appreciate any help.
the Lidar lite v3 is connected via I2C and is produced at 12/2018.

In theory it should be good up to 40 meters. I had one we tested and performance was well below what is advertised, that is why we went to lightware.

Thanks for your answer Corrado,
But I am not agree with you. It has been reported by the users meany time that it works at least below 30 meters very good. this is not just advertising.
In my case, some thing is wrong. Maybe, the driver of pixhawk, the input voltage etc has problem. God knows more.

Range of a Lidar depends on the lighting conditions and on the texture of the ground.
I am using the Lidarlite as well as the Lightware sensors reliably w/o any problems up to 25 meters.
Over bright surfaces like sand or snow range is significantly lower. Also, you may get false readings when the sensor is exposed to direct sunlight.
Also in foggy weather range may get reduced even to just a couple of meters.

Up to 25 meters is probably what i was getting too. I am sorry i can’t give you a better advice but there is nothing to agree or not agree, that was my experience. The lidar advertised as a 40 meter is reliable at sligthly above 20-23. And that was on a clear day on a non reflective surface.
I usually fly at 30-40 meters for a lot of the work we do so that range was not enough for me, even if when i bought it the specs said 40 meters.
Maybe i was doing something wrong with it, if someone gives some good advice i still have mine around to retest again.

A white surface is best and is used to determine 40M, the dark texture of dirt is the worst. Bright sunlight will reduce the distance you can measure by 1/3. In the dark is best, clouds are good, fog,rain&snow obviously are bad.
A sand or snow surface should be ideal provided it’s not noon. Is this not true?

We always measure ours on a light gray concrete surface with no direct sunlight to understand top performance.

l did some thing like that with and without sunlight but it does not make difference:pensive: