Landing gear on AUX port

I agree. There are times I swear that there is a corrupted parameter value that is causing weird problems. When I get those I “nuke from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure”, reset the parameters and start from scratch.

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I’ve got a touch pad that can write a novel in the full parameters list without being touched.A very useful bit of hardware that can cock everything everywhere up at a mere gesture in it’s general direction.It can lead to some interesting settings.I’m always accidently resetting the screen size just browsing the net never mind adjusting sensitive parameters.So I always try to use a mouse and scroll wheel now rather than the error insertion pad.

I agree.This is getting to be a start all over project.

@ Charlied43 The Big Tarot landing gear operate the way you described earlier in the thread.They are quite slow to start operation and generally operate one side just before the other.It’s not an instant response.

Start from scratch no problem. At least that way I can be sure and its not like I have spent any time programming special features like gimbals or parachutes yet !

Great to know about the behaviour of the landing gear, I thought that it was just getting old because I bought them second hand ; )

btw should I upgrade to 3.5.5 while I’m at it ?

I would.There’s a lot of good stuff in there.

Here are my retracts during building.

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Nice LEDs

Just flashed 3.5.5 do I still need to wipe old data ?

In difficult cases,like this.I tend to load a Plane or Rover firmware (remove props if you load plane) first and go to the copter firmware afterwards.Then I do the calibrations from the start.Loading another platform’s firmware generally helps to nuke any bad parameters that are tucked away somewhere.

I built the LEDs using ScottFly’s Teensy telemetry mod.Once I get them configured for the new radio they should change patterns to MAVlink messages and states.Unfortuantely the site he had for it has expired so I guess it’s a dead end mod now.Shame.

That would be a great mod I love how the whole ArduPilot setup can offer endless customization

Can you please carify what you mean by ‘Do the calibrations from the start’ ?

I just went ahead and loaded Rover to wipe the board, looks like it was successful

Yep.Accelerometers first,then compass,radio,failsafes,flight modes etc.And the battery monitor once the madatory list is done.

How do you have the switch configured on the Taranis ? I always use logical switches as they’re so easy to set up.

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Hey Ol’Gazer

Why did you recommend to set BRD_PWM_COUNT = 6 , whats the function of this parameter?

Hey Jagger

The landing gear is working at last !

It was a combination of firmware and old parameters not being erased properly

Thanks for all the pointers everyone

Well done for sticking with it.And glad we could help.

Gear up.

Hi, as shown in the operating voltage for TL8X002 is from 12.6 up to 25.2 volts. Mine is working direct to 6S power line with no issues.


Also works with 11.5 Volts using a small 3s battery ; )

Hi all, resurrecting old post, because in AC V 4.15 parameter list has changed some for landing gear settings. Perhaps an updated settings list would be nice? I will try and post what works after I figure it out on these Orange Cubes I’m setting up for a few X8 builds.

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Like this one?

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Thanks for the link. I was hoping

So having read all of that, I’m confused about the difference between setting LGR_DEPLOY_PIN = 50 (Aux 1 - PWM 9) vs setting SERVO9_FUNCTION = 29.

Aren’t they doing the same thing? Do I need to set both?

Ok - I get it now. LGR_DEPLOY_PIN is only if there is a sensor from the retracts that reports state. I don’t have that so I should use -1.

So another question, to setup a drop servo on another pin, what settings will work best , say using “Gripper” as the selection. I did one once but lost my notes on how many settings were needed?
assuming I already have the landing gear on pin 1, remote ch 7 servo as mentioned on here. Orange Cube FC