Thanks - I hadn’t seen this. I got the configurator to work but I have one more question.
Per the doc, I set Serial7_Protocol = 38 and Serial7_options = 0 to use FETtex_OneWire and SERVO_FTW_MASK = 15. I also updated BATT_MONITER = 9 to use ESC telemetry.
When rebooting the FC, I’m getting the following error:
I’m still unable to connect to the configurator (I spoke too soon in the last post). I’m connecting to the correct com port with the battery plugged in, but am still getting the connection error below. Is there any other parameter that needs to be updated on the Ardupilot end to enable communication with the configurator?
A halfduplex 2MBaud/s serial connection is required for the use with the FETtec configurator, which is currently not supported by ArduPilot. You need to use a external serial device like a FETtec FC or a USB serial adapter. Please disconnect the ArduPilot FC from the ESCs to find it in the FETtec configurator.
If so would you be able to advise on the pinout connections to the esc? Other than VCC and GND it’s unclear to me what the other connections would look like. Thanks
If you only need to reverse the motor direction I think you can do that in Arducopter w/o a configurator as per the Wiki doc. Set the FTW Mask and then use the SERVO_FTW_RVMASK to select which ones to reverse.
I don’t have a FETTec ESC, simply reading the available documentation.
I’m already using Serial 1 for DJI Rx, 4 for GPS and 6 for receiver Rx. Can I move receiver Rx to serial3 (set Serial3_protocol = 23) so that I can use 6 for esc telem?