Hello All,
I have Pixhawk orange cube, Kde motors and ESC also. Now the problem is for KDE esc , I have selected the PWMRange from the ESC calibration menu, then manually put the value of Min Output value (1100) and Max Output Value (1900). But the thing is while arming All the motors are rotating properly but if It stops suddenly while the throttle stick was slightly down from the mid position.
Kindly help me out.
ArduCopter 4.3.6 ?
Provide a .bin log file.
thank you for your response. I am attaching the log file.
here is the link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1seURc1GfpzSPbLWLAb6ejnVcN14flheu/view?usp=share_link
kindly look into it.
thanks in advance.
Are you using ArduCopter 4.3.6 ?
yes. the version we are using is 4.3.6
Definitely set this, then you can work through any issues that arise
I highly recommend you connect to MissionPlanner, go to Setup / Mandatory / Initial Parameters
and put in you prop size and battery cells, also select “Suggested settings” , Calculate and then accept everything it offers.
Use the Full Parameter tree to set these values
the MOT_PWM values override the SERVO_x_MIN and MAX values where you tried to set them.
This is wrong and we need to set it correctly before going further (see initial parameters above)
What size props do you have?
Now that you’ve got it set correctly, use motor test to verify the lowest value (percentage) that allows smooth reliable startup of the motors and set that as MOT_SPIN_ARM , and set MOT_SPIN_MIN just a bit higher +0.03 and it can be checked in logs after test flights.
MOT_SPIN_ARM,0.10 // need to verify with motor test
MOT_SPIN_MIN,0.13 // MOT_SPIN_ARM + 0.03
MOT_SPIN_MAX,0.95 // put back the default value
Now just set these ready for test flights
INS_HNTCH_ENABLE,1 // set this then refresh params to see the rest
and let’s see what happens
sorted. had successful result with MOT_SPIN_ARM and MOT_SPIN_MIN parameters
I have recently purchased KDE 55+UAS ESC and tried to calibrate through mission planner.
Firmware:AC 4.3.6
MOT_PWM_MIN = 1100
MOT_PWM_MAX = 1940
And rebooted the flight controller and also ESC as well.
Its look like ESC was calibrated sounds.but if i test the motor it starts only at 0.2 value …below this value it doesn’t not responded.
I have followed to this procedure with many ESCs with worked perfectly but KDE Direct ESC not responded and Many times tried same results.
@RohitMahajan1992 your motor starts at MOT_SPIN_ ARM = 0.1?
@xfacta your opinion on this.
I have run around .2 on a good amount of KDE setups (large motor/prop) - they take a good amount of throttle to start up.
Did you put in the correct MOT_THST_EXPO
Calibration needed expo value?
I might have thought I was replying to another person that had MOT_THST_EXPO,0
You DO need this set correctly before doing the motor tests for MOT_SPIN_ ARM
My MOT_SPIN_ARM is 0.1
MOT_SPIN _MIN = 0.13
But still motor test only works on 20 % throttle only.
So i need to change the MOT_SPIN_ARM = 0.2 and MOT_SPIN_ MIN = 0.23?
Yea, I suppose it would:
Can My ESC Work With Pixhawk Without Calibrating? I Don’t Have A DMA (Device Manager Adapter)
The default calibration mode for the ESC is Dynamic which has a larger deadband between the arming and spinning throttle. If you don’t have a DMA, you can use the default ESC calibration setting (Dynamic) with the following Pixhawk settings listed below:
ESC Type: Normal
output PWM Min: 950
output PWM Max: 1950
spin when armed: 23%
spin minimum: 27%
spin maximum: 97%
So, get a Device Manager Adapter.
@dkemxr so without change the ESC setting using DMA esc wont work with pixhawk properly with above your settings?
You got this reply from KDE Direct technical team ?
It’s on their website.
Yes i seen that .if i don’t have DMA to change the throttle calibration mode to range mode for start the motor at MOT_SPIN_ ARM = 0.1 .as of now its working at MOT_SPIN_ARM = 0.2 …
Its will create problem?
if your motor starts at 20%, make mot_spin_arm = 0.22 and mot_spin_max = 0.25… pwm you can fix at 1100 and 1900 us
Thanks for the information
But KDE direct manufacturers suggest this setting
ESC Type: Normal
output PWM Min: 950
output PWM Max: 1950
spin when armed: 23%
spin minimum: 27%
spin maximum: 97%
With your suggestion you got good response in flying performance?