Kakute H7 mini v1.3 - CRSF - Sensors not detected

Thanks for the prompt response andyp1per!
And this is bizzare!

Today, I copied the contents again of c480x272 folder from the Yaapu dev link https://github.com/yaapu/FrskyTelemetryScript/releases/tag/OTX-ETX_Color-LCD_ver_2.0.0_beta3 and I am now getting Yaapu telemetry screen populated with Telemetry data. Please see attached.


I had connected FC and RX as below to get mavlink data in order to calibrate GPS and Accelerometer for my 2 inch quad which has been successful
RX CH 3 Mavlink.RX → FC UART4 TX
RX CH 4 Mavlink TX - > FC UART4 RX

I can now start figuring out why my 2 inch quad does not fly. I have used the SIK radio telemetry and Yaapu to troubleshoot my larger sized quads with Pixhawk4 and Cube Orange that now have the restrictions for flying. Once I figure out the config on this rig, I will then move on to building 5" rig below :-). Wish I had come across below before I started my 2 inch project.