Kakute F7 question for servo

I m building a quad with kakute f7 and I want to connect to out M6 a servo

I read at the ARDUCOPTER that
If using Copter, connect the servo to AUX OUT 1, 2, 3 or 4. MAIN OUT 1 ~ 8 should be avoided because these update at 400hz.

What changes should I do to parametrs list to make a servο work as a gripper at M6 out?

@cookmangr „main“ and „aux“ pin syntax refers to pixhawk-type boards that have a dedicated IO- coprocessor running the „main“ pins, while the „aux“ pins are directly FMU-driven.
kakute does not have that coprocessor, so all pins are driven by FMU directly.

when mixing non-standard motor-type signals (dshot etc.) and standard servo-type PWM on your outputs, you‘ll have to pay attention to the fact that the output pins are usually packed in groups of 2 or 3 running on a common timer. pins within one timer group need to run the same signal type. see section „PWM out“ on: http://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-holybro-kakutef7aio.html for detail.

however, kakute‘s M6 happens to run on a separate timer, so you can just set SERVO6_FUNCTION to 28 and proceed with the configuration instructions on http://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-gripper-servo.html to setup your gripper.


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Thank you very much
I m going to try it

It worked as you said
Thank you

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cool, enjoy! and thanks for the feedback.


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