Jumper Xiake 800 Flight Controller

Did you check the endpoints?

Check 9 mins in How to setup Arduplane for T1 Ranger VTOL - YouTube

If you have your mission planner connected, you can probably see something in the lower left screen message box thatā€™ll tell you what happened during the transition. Like transition time out or insufficient airspeed. You can also see it in OSD or your radio if you have Yaapu.


Do you know what protocol I should set the original esc to? please

Initially i was thinking the same about the end points, but i dont think its this because with props off on bench test @Chris_Wilson was able to achieve full transition by moving the aircraft quickly forward.

I think the aircraft needs to hit a minimum forward speed in order to transition. If a minimum forward speed isnt achieved and the rear motor is switched off i would expect a stall and then crash.

I am pretty sure thatā€™s how it needs to work. The FC needs to see the GPS speed change during transition which tells the FC to transition fully which then shuts off the rear motor.
To do this it looks like it needs the throttle input increasing to force forward flight when the motors tilt to 45 degrees.
This is what looks to be the case in the video here for the T1 Ranger, watch around the 1 min mark.

So my thoughts at this time are that the setup I have is behaving as expected and it will only fully transition when itā€™s at flying speed and the thoughts that I have read around a purely timed transition are actually incorrect and Arduplane will not transition based on time only.

So my plan next is to review all my config and take it out again with a view to get up high, flick to FBWA and then hit the throttle see if she will then fully transition.

Just an idea but ā€¦before the transition is started ( while in QSTAB) it may be worth having the throttle cranked up to maybe 70 % . From a thrust perspective, if your throttle isnt high enough when transition is started , when the motor is tilted forward to around 45 degrees, the forward thrust vector may not be large enough to accelerate the craft forward and hit the forward velocity threshold needed to fully transition to forward flight modes.

I remember reading somewhere in the jumper " instructions" on Ali express that throttle should be at 50% when transition from QSTAB to foward flight is attempted. This throttle setting may be based on getting enough forward velocity to complete transition.

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Hi Iā€™m changing to a matek h743 controller with matek m10 gps and compassā€¦ Got everything configuredā€¦ Flight modes, radio calibration, compass calibration, accelerometer calibration. All flight surfaces work as expected. Stabilisation works as expected. tilt motors workā€¦ Changing modesā€¦ But canā€™t get vectored yaw to work
. Frame class 7 frame type 0
Tilt mask 3. Tilt type 2. Tilt motor front left 75ā€¦ Tilt motor front right 76ā€¦ But Iā€™m getting no movement of the tilt motor when I yawā€¦ Any help greatly appreciated thanks

Will that work with a tilt mechanism that doesnā€™t go past 90Ā° up? Relative to Q_TILT_YAW_ANGLE.

Well the original flight controller had vectored yawā€¦ The tilt motors would move slightly in opposite directions with yaw input

The parameters for this would be the same then from the Factory defaults. Is that what you have?
I see you are correct, itā€™s 6Ā°. Not much authority there but something.

Yeah thatā€™s what Iā€™m doingā€¦ Basing on the stock settingsā€¦ It definitely has vectored yaw on the rtf model

I did receive it, but have been short on time. Iā€™ve only got round to installing it, but not had chance for anything else.

Throttle over 50% is the essential for transitioning.

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Saw somebody asked this same question on Facebook group and the answer was following Q_OPTIONS mask that will enable vectored yaw tilt when itā€™s not armed. Clicked that on mine and it started tilting on the table.

  • bit 10(+1024), if set, will allow the tilt servos to move with rudder input in vectored tilt setups while disarmed to determine range of motion.
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Finally got it to hoverā€¦ Very slight toilet bowling when hoveringā€¦ But when I did the compass calibrationā€¦ It was in the middle of the plane but Iā€™ve now put it out on the wingā€¦ So probably needs recalibration

Use Magfit for that.

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Iā€™m starting to re-wire for a new FC a Matek h743-wlite. I noticed the rear ESC does not have a ground wire so I will be adding one as this is recommended.

The ESCā€™s processor is an Artery AT32F4ā€¦, Iā€™m not sure if the firmware is running on it is AM32 or BLHeli32.

I managed to venture out for a late test flight this evening. Despite winds of around 15mph I guessed itā€™s worth a shot.

So with the SpeedyBee F405 all configured and bench tested all remained was to get it up for a transition. I have to say it was super smooth, much better than expected.
With it being windy the transition to FBWA was ok into wind but much better downwind as it picked up speed much quicker downwind and transitioned fully much faster.
FBWA to QSTAB transition was really smooth with a dip of the nose then it levelled out perfectly.
Flying in FBWA was really smooth and stable, big turns at the moment so some tuning to be done there but it flies so slow stable and quiet.

So for now I have a base config which I am happy to say works way better than expected and whilst I have some tuning to do Iā€™m looking forward to some great flights and now it flies I need to get some FPV gear installed.

Copy of my config attached, rename to .param if you want to upload it to your FC - use at your own risk

So the end results can be seen here - Jumper Xiake 800 SpeedyBee F405 - SUCCESS - YouTube

Copy of my config attached, rename to .param if you want to upload it to your FC - use at your own risk :slight_smile: - 23-06-2023.txt (21.6 KB)


I just used the signal wire for the rear motor seems to work just fine

Well good job I transitioned over long grassā€¦ Hovered in qloiterā€¦ Transitioned to fbwa it was flying forward but heading down for the ground
ā€¦ I donā€™t think I actually transitionedā€¦ I think I was flying forward in qhover. I set q-assist to 15ā€¦ But do you need it enabled if you donā€™t have an airspeed sensor
. Iā€™m thinking this is why it didnā€™t transition