I just checked and plenty of room for a 21700, 5000 4s LIon pack.
Did anyone get OSD working with an O3 air unit?
You can find here a suitable cm3d printable canopy. Jumper Xiake 800 Canopy by maro0016 - Thingiverse
Now with fixed latch detent - you might have just to shorten it a little bit, e.g with scissors.
With air unit you need to select custom osd in goggles.maybe the same for yours?
It works with old air units for me. But not with the O3.
I’m having reset/brown out issues as well using DJI air unit with the built in sbus. I see your issue was a tilt servo then the other started acting up? Maybe I’ll try unplugging one to see if that solves the issue and if it does replace both tilt servos. What about the wing servos? Are they the same as the tilt ones? Does the tilt servos seem low quality?
I recommend checking them with a servo tester. I got yesterday my third & last ordered Xiake. One of the tilt servos sounded rough. I checked it with the servo tester & it was fine. The FC might have an issue…
Small information: 4000mah lion packs will fit with the 3d printed canopy. I didn’t check handling in flight & cg.
I also bought this interesting VTOL aircraft. But because I am Ardupilot newbie and and because of the missing documentation I have now the following problems:
I want to connect the AVATAR WALKSNAIL HD FPV system and I can’t get the OSD to work. Which parameters do I have to set on which serial port (is there maybe already a Serial Port overview)?
Through the different attempts I messed up the original parameter set (and unfortunately didn’t make a backup before). Could someone please send me the original parameter set?
Hi Martin,
here is my original parameter set.
Xiake 800 Factory Parameters.param (21.7 KB)
I think serial 2 is the right port. Maybe this will work for you: DJI Air Unit O3 and MSP DisplayPort OSD - #5 by accek
Hi Nick,
thanks a lot - I will start again with this.
I am now unsure, because there is the talk of Arduplane 4.3.x, but I have on the XIAKE only the version 4.2.2.
Clearly is time to update the firmware.
Can I move the GPS out of the battery bay to give me more room and onto the fuselage or do I need to keep it center mass?
Is there anyway to log this with the FC if that’s causing that? I’m not that knowledgeable about ardupilot
You can move it out. The original design had it on one wing tip
Yes, there is the possibility. See Logs — Plane documentation
Ok, but where to get the right firmware??
The firmware is here probably not the problem. Maybe hardware or wiring. Did you let the servos exercise with a servo tester?