Jamming Radio Telemetry

if I have a 433MHz Sik Radio and have a simple LUA script “ping” down a text message periodically, is doing a send or transmission. The jammer is not aware of where is the Pilot and GCS location, the person can only see the UA.

If such a frequency band is jammed successfully, will the GCS still be able to receive the “ping” message?

I believe a GCS failsafe will be triggered, am I correct?
If correct, a link is lost, can we be confidentially sure that the GCS will stop receiving the “ping” message?

Maybe this topic is best left unanswered.



Hmmm hmm…

Well, GNSS jamming is a known threat to manned and unmanned aviation. Upset EKF is going to give you a very bad time even in manual modes so it is critical that it handles poor GNSS signals well.