Issues with interegrating CAN sensor using LUA

Hello, I am trying to integrate a custom range finder with the orange cube+. This sensor uses CAN-FD protocol and I am trying to read the data using Lua script.
The example I am following is can_read.lua and benewakeH30_can_rangefinder.lua

I am able to read the data for couple of seconds but after that the messages stops showing up but if I reset the sensor, the data comes back for another couple of seconds.

The FDBitrate I am using is 8M and I don;t see any errors on the messages section.

Could someone please guide me into solving this problem.

here the script that I am using.

-- This script is an example of reading from the CAN bus

-- local default params
local update_rate_ms    = 1
-- Load CAN driver1. The first will attach to a protocol of 10, the 2nd to a protocol of 12
-- this allows the script to distinguish packets on two CAN interfaces
local driver1 = CAN:get_device(25)

type = 0
length = 0

if not driver1 then
   gcs:send_text(0, "No scripting CAN interfaces found")

function show_frame(dnum, frame)
   gcs:send_text(0, string.format("CAN[%u] msg from %i", dnum, frame:id_signed()))

-- Function to convert a 32-bit unsigned integer to a floating-point number
function uint32_to_float(uint)
   -- Extracting sign bit, exponent bits, and mantissa bits
   local sign = (uint >> 31) == 0 and 1 or -1
   local exponent = (uint >> 23) & 0xFF
   local mantissa = uint & 0x7FFFFF

   -- Handling special cases
   if exponent == 0 and mantissa == 0 then
      return 0.0
   elseif exponent == 0 and mantissa ~= 0 then
      return sign * math.ldexp(mantissa / 0x800000, -126)
   elseif exponent == 0xFF and mantissa == 0 then
      return sign * math.huge
   elseif exponent == 0xFF and mantissa ~= 0 then
      return 0.0 / 0.0

   -- Computing the exponent (bias subtracted from the exponent bits)
   exponent = exponent - 127

   -- Computing the mantissa (including the implicit leading bit)
   local fraction = 1.0 + mantissa / 0x800000

   -- Constructing the floating-point number
   return sign * fraction * (2 ^ exponent)

function extract_and_convert(frame, index)
   return uint32_to_float((frame:data(index + 3) << 24) | (frame:data(index + 2) << 16) | (frame:data(index + 1) << 8) |

function update()
   -- see if we got any frames
   if driver1 then
      local frame = driver1:read_frame()
      if not frame then

      if frame:id_signed() == 0 then
         type = frame:data(3) * 256 ^ 3 + frame:data(2) * 256 ^ 2 + frame:data(1) * 256 + frame:data(0)
         length = frame:data(7) * 256 ^ 7 + frame:data(6) * 256 ^ 6 + frame:data(5) * 256 + frame:data(4)
      elseif frame:id_signed() == 209 and length > 0 then
         local index = 0
         while index < 64 do
            -- x = uint32_to_float((frame:data(3) << 24) | (frame:data(2) << 16) | (frame:data(1) << 8) | frame:data(0))
            -- y = uint32_to_float((frame:data(7) << 24) | (frame:data(6) << 16) | (frame:data(5) << 8) | frame:data(4))
            -- z = uint32_to_float((frame:data(11) << 24) | (frame:data(10) << 16) | (frame:data(9) << 8) | frame:data(8))
            -- velocity = uint32_to_float((frame:data(15) << 24) | (frame:data(14) << 16) | (frame:data(13) << 8) | frame:data(12))

            -- Extracting and converting x, y, z, and velocity from the frame
            local x = extract_and_convert(frame, index)
            local y = extract_and_convert(frame, index + 4)
            local z = extract_and_convert(frame, index + 8)
            local velocity = extract_and_convert(frame, index + 12)

            index = index + 16
            -- if not x == 0.00 and y == 0.00 and z == 0.00 and velocity == 0.00 then
            gcs:send_text(0, string.format("Point %d: X=%.2f, Y=%.2f, Z=%.2f, Velocity=%.2f", 0, x, y, z, velocity))
            -- end
   -- return update, 2

-- wrapper around update(). This calls update() and if update faults
-- then an error is displayed, but the script is not stopped
function protected_wrapper()
   local success, err = pcall(update)
   if not success then
       gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR, "Internal Error: " .. err)
       -- when we fault we run the update function again after 1s, slowing it
       -- down a bit so we don't flood the console with errors
       return protected_wrapper, 1000
   return protected_wrapper, update_rate_ms
 -- start running update loop
 return protected_wrapper()

For CAN FD you need ArduCopter 4.5.0-beta4 or newer. It contains CAN FD clock fixes

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Did. Now it stays for few minutes and stops again.

Report a bug with as many details as you possibly can!!!
Remember details, matter. Add them all!

Hi @wkpatil,

It would be good to determine if it is the rangefinder that is stopping (maybe it needs a reply?) or whether it is the lua driver that is stopping for some reason.

If you don’t have a CAN inspector tool then the DroneCAN GUI tool may be useful although it won’t be able to show you the individual fields within a CAN message it will at least show you the messages are continuing to be sent.

If you can provide an onboard log we can also check the CANS message to see if CAN messages are arriving or not.

The rangefinder just takes in an initial command after that it transmit data continuously.

I do have a CANFD inspector tool, I have tested the sensor with it and it works properly.

I am printing the messages on the GCS messages screen. Anyways i’ll try to attach logs.

------- Clock Config -------
Std Timings: bitrate=1000000 presc=8
sjw=1 bs1=8 bs2=1 sample_point=90.00000%
FD Timings: bitrate=5000000 presc=1
sjw=4 bs1=11 bs2=4 sample_point=75.00000%
------- CAN Interface Stats -------
tx_requests: 0
tx_rejected: 0
tx_overflow: 0
tx_success: 0
tx_timedout: 0
tx_abort: 0
rx_received: 100
rx_overflow: 0
rx_errors: 0
num_busoff_err: 0
num_events: 100
fdf_rx: 100
fdf_tx_req: 0
fdf_tx: 0

This is after the cube stopped reading data.
and then after reset,
------- Clock Config -------
Std Timings: bitrate=1000000 presc=8
sjw=1 bs1=8 bs2=1 sample_point=90.00000%
FD Timings: bitrate=5000000 presc=1
sjw=4 bs1=11 bs2=4 sample_point=75.00000%
------- CAN Interface Stats -------
tx_requests: 0
tx_rejected: 0
tx_overflow: 0
tx_success: 0
tx_timedout: 0
tx_abort: 0
rx_received: 388
rx_overflow: 0
rx_errors: 0
num_busoff_err: 0
num_events: 388
fdf_rx: 388
fdf_tx_req: 0
fdf_tx: 0

When I use CAN_Classic. I am getting continuous data.

Hi @wkpatil,

I’ll bring this up with other developers at the weekly call but it’s very difficult to debug drivers remotely. If the manufacturer is willing to send a rangefinder to a developer it’s possible we can get it working.

@rmackay9 Any update on it?

To keep this connected, this discussion is happening in a few places:

Just to clarify, this issue was resolved by reducing the bitrate to 1Mbps. I’m not sure exactly whether that was done on the AP side or the sensor side though (see links above in case there are more details there).