Issue with HC-SR04 Rangefinder

On my arduino there are only TX1 and RX0, there are no other ones as far as i can seeโ€ฆ

Anyway i will change everything in the code, i need front left and front right side, AND if one of the L1X sensors work, i will plug it into the I2C port and set it up as forward facing.

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ok you will still need to modify the code to get the vl53l1x working but at least we have something to start with.

I will just plug it normally, without the arduino, and just simply set it in MP as forward facing.

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good thinking, none of the other sensors are on the i2c bus now.

Alright so thank you so much for help and guidance, it was very interesting experience, stay safe!

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I have had another go at the VL53l1x if you want to try it,


It might be a good idea to rename this thread to something more relevant like โ€œmultiple vl53l1x and vl53l0x rangefindersโ€

to get your vl53l1x you have connected to the flight controllers i2c to show on the proximity display you will have to set PRX2_TYPE =4 so that the rangefinder is used for proximity.

Yes i know that, thank you again

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