The Arduino plugs into the i2c splitter along with the lidars using pins A4 and A5 for SCL and SDA, along with VCC and Ground then you run a single wire from A0 A1 A2 A3 pins on the Arduino to each lidars XSHUT pin.
Essentially what its doing is using the xshut pin to turn off the lidars so it can turn each one on then set its address before the flight controller starts up so they can all be detected.
#include <Wire.h>
#include <VL53L1X.h>
//#define XSHUT_pin6 A7 //not required for address change
//#define XSHUT_pin5 A6
#define XSHUT_pin4 A3
#define XSHUT_pin3 A2
#define XSHUT_pin2 A1
#define XSHUT_pin1 A0
//ADDRESS_DEFAULT 0b0101001 or 41
//#define Sensor1_newAddress 41 not required address change
#define Sensor2_newAddress 42
#define Sensor3_newAddress 43
#define Sensor4_newAddress 44
#define Sensor5_newAddress 45
#define Sensor6_newAddress 46
VL53L1X Sensor1;
VL53L1X Sensor2;
VL53L1X Sensor3;
VL53L1X Sensor4;
//VL53L1X Sensor5;
//VL53L1X Sensor6;
void setup()
//Shutdown pins of VL53L0X ACTIVE-LOW-ONLY NO TOLERANT TO 5V will fry them
pinMode(XSHUT_pin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(XSHUT_pin2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(XSHUT_pin3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(XSHUT_pin4, OUTPUT);
// pinMode(XSHUT_pin5, OUTPUT);
// pinMode(XSHUT_pin6, OUTPUT);
//Change address of sensor and power up next one
// Sensor6.setAddress(Sensor6_newAddress);//For power-up procedure t-boot max 1.2ms "Datasheet: 2.9 Power sequence"
// pinMode(XSHUT_pin5, INPUT);
// delay(10);
// Sensor5.setAddress(Sensor5_newAddress);
pinMode(XSHUT_pin4, INPUT);
pinMode(XSHUT_pin3, INPUT);
pinMode(XSHUT_pin2, INPUT);
pinMode(XSHUT_pin1, INPUT);
//ADDRESS_DEFAULT 0b0101001 or 41
void loop()