ISSUE - GPS Glitching

When we were flying a quad, GPS glitched twice on us. Any idea what went wrong? We were using the 3.6.11 Copter code, Pixhawk 2.1 Black, and Here+ GPS on GPS1 port. GPS has been glitching a lot lately.

@rmackay9 Any thoughts?

Thank you for your time and efforts.

Log File:

Are you using USB 3.0 devices?
Please update to 3.6.12

Yes, we are using USB 3.0 devices. However, we are connecting other pixhawk serial ports using usb. Could this possibly influence GPS1 port?

USB 3.0 produces interference in GPS. Keep the GPS antenna as far as possible from any USB 3.0 cables. And update to 3.6.12

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