I tried to autotune my copter in loiter mode and did it successfully but when I tried flying it again, it was vibrating very rigorously in all 3 axes. Can’t figure out the reason. I didn’t try to tune it again.
You missed a few things that are important to configure before running Auto Tune or 1st flight for that matter. Some Initial Setup parameters which are pre-maiden flight, and the Notch filter is not configured. Motor ranges need to be set. You might want to reset to default and start over 1st by setting the Initial Tuning Parameters and then proceed thru tuning using the Wiki guides.
You need battery logging also.
I flashed my cube and started from scratch. Did the initial parameter setup. Now I’m stuck with notch filtering. Can you please help me with the parameters of it?
Your MOT_THST_EXPO versus INS_GYRO_FILTER dont make sense
and you need to get the battery monitor working.
After the battery monitor works redo the Initial Parameters and also select the “Suggested settings” and accept everything it offers.
Then change:
Is there any other parameter other than INS_HNTCH_ENABLE? Because I was going through ardupilot documentation and there are few instructions regarding throttle based notch filtering. Can you please help me out with those params?
Those are set after review of a flight with the parameters suggested. Make a Hover flight for a minute or so and either read the Wiki (always advisable) for configuring the notch filter and/or post a link to that log.
Do exactly as I’ve already asked then also set: MOT_THST_EXPO,0.60
and then we will need to see a log file from a test flight in AltHold, mainly just hover.
The parameters I specified on the last couple of posts.
By the way, you need the battery monitor working before you do the Initial Parameters - did you do that?
You can run the Initial Parameters again to fill in the missing voltage parameters.