HI everyone, i need a little(?) help from you guys, i want to make rover or mobile robot with auto pilot and i have 6-fans quad copter, Is it possible to make auto pilot rover by use some hardware from quad copter?
The flight controller and some peripheral hardware (GPS, battery, etc)
There is a gentleman on here that built a cool omnirover using props for propulsion but I doubt that’s what you are talking about.
First time anyone called me gentleman!
Building a rover from scratch is mechanical more complicated than building a copter or a plane. Most electric motors turn to fast to drive a wheel directly, like the motors on your copter. So you need some kind of gears/gearbox to reduce the rpm and get more torque. Doing this with the copter motors you have is not that easy.
My omnirover with props was the easiest way. No gears or other mechanical complicated parts, like steering i.e., involved.