IR Lock Sensor for 100m range

Is it feasible to employ an IR lock sensor to achieve a range of 100 meters for the purpose of maintaining the multicopter’s position without landing? I’m seeking insights into how we can attain this 100-meter range. If 100 meters is not achievable, what is the maximum range that can be achieved?

Why don’t you read the documentation ?
" The MarkOne Beacon can be reliably detected in all lighting conditions , with a detection range of 15 meters ."

Yes, I read it, and please feel free to correct me if I’m mistaken. According to the MarkOne Beacon specifications, they mention a detection range of 10-15 meters. However, I’m seeking a solution with a range of 100 meters, which is why I’m reaching out here for assistance. Any guidance or insights would be greatly appreciated @rmackay9