Inverted motors

First of all, the directions of the drone commands are reversed.
Forward is back, right is left, and vice versa…

I have managed to fly the drone with the opposite parameters, but the problem is that during the flight, for no apparent reason, the direction parameters change direction.

I have observed in the ArduPilot Auto Analysis that the motors sometimes give error (WARN or FAIL).1 2 3 4 5

Auto Analysis is outdated and of little value. What Flight Controller do you have and how is it mounted? You may only have to set the board orientation.When it’s pitch and rolled does it respond properly in Mission Planners HUD?

Thanks, I have a Hex Cube Flight Controller, and the arrow points to the right direction. The visualization in Mission Planner is correct (Roll, Pitch, Yaw), but when I fly everything is inverted except the Yaw and the throttle.

I think your stik is inverse like right = left , up = down.

Try again radio calibration , or change channel direction on your radio it’s simple

Happy flying :slightly_smiling_face:

And how can they explain that it changes directions in mid-flight?


Means ? I don’t understand what’s your needed

  1. the motors are correctly mounted
  2. the propellers are correctly mounted
  3. the parameters in the radio control are correctly calibrated
  4. When I turn left, the drone decides to go right. When voice forward, the drone decides to go backward.
    I would like to understand why it is changed.
    I would also like to understand why the drone changes direction in mid-flight.


That’s my resume , this is a channel reverse or your mode is not 2

Try 2nd channel reverse on your radio or RC2 set reverse in mission planner

I really don’t know

I think your are rotate the yaw so drone face is reverse and your channel is also reverse as on your face , i hope you understand. If you don’t just let me know :yum:

Happy flying :slightly_smiling_face:

Do you have Simple Mode or Super Simple Mode enabled and it’s doing what it’s supposed to do?

Thanks a lot. It works properly now!
I just inverted the radio sticks and change Super Simple mode to normal.


Ha ha ha that’s my resume at first time say because every time this situation happened to me :grin:

Happy flying :slightly_smiling_face:

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