Inputting flight data back into the drone to replay the exact same flight


This is a bit of a weird question, but I was wondering if there is an existing tool or way to enter the telemetry data given from a .bin log or .tlog file back into the flight controller to get the drone to replay the exact same flight according to the parameters in the log file.

For example, say I wanted to replicate the exact behavior of the motors from a previous flight. Is there a way then that I could enter the RCOU C1-C4 data from the previous flight into the flight controller to have the motors replay the exact same behavior of the motors in the previous flight?

I want to do this as I want to record the sound coming from the motors on the ground for use in a project, and I want to avoid any effects from sound signal attenuation as it travels through the air and from the Doppler effect (meaning I can’t simply record it from the ground as it flies).

Weird question, but hopefully the general idea is clear enough. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You can fly a route, export the log as a KML, and then import that in to create a new mission. Or just create a mission in the first place and fly that repeatedly. If the drone is tuned properly and the weather conditions are the same then motor outputs should be very similar. (within reason to keep the drone flying upright)

Thank you for the quick reply! But if I’m understanding your answer correctly, that’s not exactly what I’m asking for.

I need the drone (or motor assembly) to be secured on the ground so that I can record the sound coming from it without any acoustic phenomena that may distort it (attenuation, Doppler, etc.). Since that scenario would restrict or change the flying environment of the drone, simply replaying the same saved mission path won’t be effective, I don’t think, especially since the drone would not actually be moving. Since I need the exact or near exact motor behavior replayed, giving the drone the previous motor data seems like the correct thing to do, rather than replaying a mission.

If the drone doesn’t need to move then why don’t you just connect the motor to a PWM signal generator (aka: servo tester) and run the motor at a specific value. You’ll have 100% repeatable control of the motor then. If it’s not flying then why make it difficult? You basically need a motor test stand.

From the logs you have time and pulse widths, which you can put on a .csv file, so you can program an Arduino to emulate them on servo outputs and feed the motors.

Have you seen Testing with Replay — Dev documentation already?