First off i have searched and read all the posts i could about indoor navigation - but some are older, some say stuff cant be done that i then read is possible, etc, so - im hoping for some updated 2021 help here!
I have been proposed a project; I wont be coding it, but overseeing it.
However, i am in doubt if this is at all possible/feasible.
So here is the project - and im assuming GPS is not a possibility inside:
Step 1: Make a drone hover inside. a room, keeping its place - how much will this drift, whats the obstacles in this, and will this even work currently.
Step 2: Make a drone go from the hover point and say 1 meter forward, and hold its altitude. How much will it drift here - how precise is this?
Step 3: somehow ( to be determined ) feed the drone 3 points - a start a middle and an end - so for instance, go from one living room, to a doorway and then through the doorway. Feasible?
Now, i realise that the above might be hard - and might be expensive, but… is it doable - and if so, whats the prefered method/approach for this?
I could imagine that a lot of the work for 3 could be done with ROS Slam packages but I’m not familiar with something like this, this is just the way I would approach this problem.
I havent dived deeply into this, but i am about to : The ROS slam packages is a set of packages that would be helpful in doing what we are trying to achieve; but if say we wanted this to be done differently, could a c++ coder use those packages and somehow re-code/optimize them - or is this the wrong way of looking at it? Trying to get an overall sense of who to get, and how to approach it - if that makes sense.
What you described can be done with a Realsense T265.
Additionally, and you can use the D435 for for slam or a more lightweight avoidance has demonstrated in wiki.
Hi - thank you, this looks amazing - but its also pretty big for the purpose we are going for. But right now im soaking all the information, so very much appreciated!
The requirement to go through the doorway is the most difficult if you actually want to avoid hitting the door frame. That requires a depth camera and bendy ruler path planning. Once you want this then you need another companion computer and camera and the drone starts getting large. I think it’s only a matter of time though before we will be able to do it with a single camera and perhaps no companion computer.