Increase baudrate of communication from FC to ESCs for Testing Purpose

Hello everyone . My goal is to implement (not permanently) a modification to decrease the programming time of ESCs via BHELI software .
Specifically I refer to this commit in the betaflight repository :

With this commit , it is possible to program ESCs via BHELI at a rate of up to 115200 , which after various tests by other people would reduce the programming time of a single ESC from 40 seconds to less than 10 seconds .
In Ardupilot there is a library for BHELI and the files modified in the betaflight commit are very similar to those in ardupilot , although they have some differences that are hindering me.
I would like to know the thoughts of one of the developers regarding this commit I think the right people are @andyp1per and @tridge , and the possibility of implementing it in ardupilot , just for testing/production purposes.
I have already gone ahead and added the functions for the init_Baudrate(in part) and set_baudrate , but I am having trouble repopulating the changes contained in the suart_putc and suart_getc functions . Thank you very much for any help

Do a git pull request with the changes that you already have.

Hi Davide - I looked at the change - it’s certainly possible, but not simple. I don’t have time to look at this right now I am afraid.