I am looking to implement a vehicle that needs to run both plane code as a glider and switch to autonomous rover code once it lands. Is there a way to do this in the existing plane or rover code? How hard would it be to compile my own firmware in order to add either rover auto mode to arduplane or plane code to ardurover?
Worst case I will either run two instances of ardu___ on an RPi or just use two flight controllers.
I have no experience of working with planes. But I think planes do support ground steering and I’m pretty sure we can control the ground steering autonomously via GCS. Are you looking for something other than ground steering ?
I don’t think using 2 microcontrollers for 2 different vehicle type is a good idea on the same system. Controlling both the vehicle at same time going to be an issue. If you know how plane flight modes and rover steering modes works in the firmware then I will suggest adding a rover steering mode in the plane firmware will be ideal. Also, you can try Lua scripting as well for building up a customised steering mode with planes.