I hope developers start again the update firmware of Tower app

I hope developers start again the update firmware of Tower app

It is one of the best easy way to check your copter/plane/Rover/boat

If someone start again with the update/development of tower app we(as community) give some $$donation$$

I made this video 3 years ago and it’s the easiest way to make a mission ,send your copter where you want, control it!!!

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Update firmware ? You mean update the app, software, not firmware flashing … I guess.
You should try QgroundControl …

Yes update the app

I think tower app is more user friendly

Skydroid is updating tower but I hope is only working with their products that vers, CGControl I hope is more user friendly now than in the past, a good choice for tablet too.

@cookmangr give QGC a trial run. A little different concepts on planning missions but easy to get into it. And it’s both Android and IOS :wink: