I can't change radio mode or reverse


I use a F405 SpeedyBee Wing

I use Apm Planeur 2.0.30-rc1 on my Mac. ( On windows it’s rc3 ).
I try the laster version 4.4.5 ? ( it’s just write “lasted” ). I try the 4.4.4

My radio is Tango 2 Crossfire, in mode 1.

I want to put mode 1, but, there is not “write”, so it doesn’t change.
Reverse to…
Calibration to …

The the video https://www.facebook.com/100000553126713/videos/374224455436596/

Thank you

And I don’t want to find patches by changing my radio from mode 1 to 2, (because that will change all my models) or holding it upside down!!! There is a page in the application and it doesn’t work!

tbh I am not entirely sure what you are trying to achieve, as long as your transmitter sends the channels in the correct order (default AETR), Mission Planner/ArduCopter absolutely do not care what mode your transmitter is in.

Even if your transmitter sends the channels in a different order, you can change it in Mission Planner with the RCMAP_PITCH, RCMAP_ROLL, RCMAP_THROTTLE and RCMAP_YAW parameters where you can define the channel for each individually (even outside 1-4).

After long hesitation to click on a “facebook” link, it turns our your video is private (or at least private enough that I can’t access it).

Please don’t yell, has anyone suggested that (yet)? It surely would look funny though.

Thank you for all !!!

So the page for change mode it’s doen’t work :

But with your parameter it’s ok !!

Thank you

This is my plane : :Redirecting...

Great to hear it worked :+1:t2:

That actually looks really nice and like a lot of work has been put into it :sweat_smile:
Especially that gimbal mechanism for the camera looks great and compact :+1:t2: