How to weighting GPHDT(from indoorGPS) for Indoor Flight

I’m trying to indoor flight using marvelmind’s beacon.
Indoors, the magenetometer does not work smoothly, so I use GPHDT and gyro.

After I read some Topic,
I confirmed that drone’s yaw is reflected GPHDT heading.
(Using NMEA - HDT message as heading/yaw source instead of compass)

I am doing a test with the GPHDT inverted 180 degrees. However, when reversed to 180 degrees, the yaw value overshoot occurs and it takes a very long time to converge.
Alternatively, even a small rotation of the aircraft will increase the EKF variance significantly.

Meanwhile, throught the program provided by marvelmind, i have confirmed that the heading value is accurately displayed at 8Hz.

I am modifying the following parameters.
However, we don’t yet know which parameters gphdt is being weighted by.
However, it is difficult to see the difference.
Is there any way you can recommend heading to follow the GPHDT value?

I’m trying to do exactly what you are doing. I was wondering if you could post a param file and describe your setup? I have tried the Marvelmind NMEA HDT license, and the u-blox license. I have yaw partially working with the NMEA license using EKF3, but the GPS yaw value doesn’t change. Thanks!