How to update pixhawk firmware to receive custom message

Hi, i’m working again on this project : sending and receiving custom mavlink message with Mission Planner. I succeed to send custom mavlink message with MP :

I just modified the ardupilotmega.xml by adding my message and compile regenerate.bat
Only one problem : i’m not receiving any of my CUSTOM_MESSAGE2 in my home-made gimbal.

I think the problem is from the firmware of my cubeorange. It is maybe blocking my message between MP and my gimbal.
How can i do to allowed the message/to correctly received the custom message.
Thank you very much.

You need to change the source code, recompile and update the firmware and recompile and reinstall mission planner

Can you at least explain how to update the firmware ? Please

Thank you

In mission planner you need to select custom firmwae update and then select the .apj file that you compiled

Is there any other way to send and receive custom mav message without changing the firmware ? or this is the only way ?

Why do you need a custom mavlink packet? Why not just send some named floats?

i didn’t know that we can do this, how do you do this ? Is it NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT and NAMED_VALUE_INT ? The problem is that the transmission of char array takes a lot of place in the baudrate. I wanted to optimize this by sending custom mavlink message. But i must not change the firmware

Look up message NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT (251)

It’s just a name and a value. It’s not the most efficient use of bandwidth but it’s fine if your only sending a few values.

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Yes, this is what i just edit. I didn’t know these messages exist but thank you very much!

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The values will show up on mission planner as MAV values

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