How to update pixhawk firmware to receive custom message

Hi, i’m working again on this project : sending and receiving custom mavlink message with Mission Planner. I succeed to send custom mavlink message with MP :

I just modified the ardupilotmega.xml by adding my message and compile regenerate.bat
Only one problem : i’m not receiving any of my CUSTOM_MESSAGE2 in my home-made gimbal.

I think the problem is from the firmware of my cubeorange. It is maybe blocking my message between MP and my gimbal.
How can i do to allowed the message/to correctly received the custom message.
Thank you very much.

You need to change the source code, recompile and update the firmware and recompile and reinstall mission planner

So, if i understand well:

  • change the source code : already did because i can send the custom_message2

  • recompile: is it the regenerate.bat ? or just rebuild the project ?

  • update the firmware : i don’t know how to do this. The only thing i know is that i flashed the arducopter V4.5.4 in the orangecube, thanks to Mission Planner → Setup → Install Firmware.

  • what do you mean about recompile and reinstall ?

I’m sorry if this is dumb questions and thank you for your responses.