How to setup two VTX (one for analog camera, another for digital camera)

I have two cameras:

  1. traditional analog camera, which works fine
  2. add another digital camera (OpenIPC), GS uses Hi3536 board

How to setup two VTX? Is it possible?


Well, I have got responses from my 3536/openipc camera hardware dev: “some times, it worked with 115200 mavlink v2”

But I actually get my test result:

  • Test A:Arducopter 4.5.6 + OpenIPC SSC338Q+IMX415 + Hi3536 ==> OSD doesn’t change at all
  • Test B: Arducopter 4.5.6 + OpenIPC SSC338Q+IMX415 ==> android FPVue, OSD doesn’t working
  • Test C:Arducopter 4.5.6 + OpenIPC SSC338Q+IMX415 ==> PC(wfb-ng) 14550 mavlinkv2 works(input/output) fine, 115200 or 921600

Then, the question is lead to gs end - #53