How to set octo h class?

Hi, i am making a flying robo dog project and i wanted to set it as octo-h hovever i coudn`t find anything besides some other posts with positions / vectors of motors mounted in octo h class. If anyone could help me with this one i would be very thankful. For our design, the motors are mounted along two parallel pipes. Each motor is spaced 27 cm apart from the next, with a 60 cm gap between the centers of the two pipes. Additionally, the motors are angled slightly towards the center by 5%, although we’re open to center them directly if necessary for simplicity or performance.

Thank you in advance for your help!

What’s wrong with the Octo-H frame type you are showing?

i couldn`t find the number for the frame_class parameter for octo h

Set FRAME_TYPE = 3 (H)
and FRAME_CLASS = 3 (Octa)

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