How to set EKF noise parameter for RTK use?

Hi there,

We are using a Septentrio RTK GPS system. It is very precise in both RTK and in float modes.

So I want it to replace my barometer, therefore I did:
EK2_ALT_SOURCE 2.000000

Now the question is what should I set the EK2_ALT_M_NSE and EK2_POSNE_M_NSE values to ?

Should I set them to 2 cm (RTK fix, best case values) ?
Or should I set them to 2m (RTK float, worst case values) ?
As you can see there is a factor of 100 between those two values :frowning:

The septentrio does deliver horizontal, vertical and speed accuracy values into the EKF, but I do not know how these are used.

@priseborough, @WickedShell any ideas ???

All I can say is that I fly with EK2_ALT_SOURCE 2, and I haven’t worried about those parameters and haven’t encountered any problems, or seen any warnings from the EKF in flight. But I’ve been doing that with just SBAS corrections.