I was provided a log from a pixhawk on a boat. I would like to extract the maximum values of steady and unsteady angular and translation motions, position, rates/velocities, and accelerations. I’m not sure I’m doing this correctly, one example is the angular yaw rate, IMU.GyrZ, appears to have a maximum value of about 0.01. I believe the units are deg/s. But, that rate doesn’t seem reasonable. Also, I would like to have the translation values in body axis, instead of NED axis. Can I validate the angular, and translation, value on the gps track. Or, any suggestion on how to validate the interpretation of the motion data is reasonable. I am currently using ATT for angular displacements, IMU for Gyro rates, and derivative of IMU for Gyro acceleration. Is there a better set of variables / channels to use for rotation motion? I haven’t really started on translation, but was planning to use variable NKF1 for position and velocity, and take derivative of velocity for acceleration, and use yaw angle to project PE/PN, VE/VN, AE/AN into body axis. Also, I am working in Matlab, is there a way to determine the steady and unsteady values, and derivatives, and axes transformation in Mission Planner?