How to read esc data on cube orange hobbyWing Esc (UART)

I want to read esc data on cube orange. But I dont find any documantation for this application. I read esc data with usb ttl. But when ı parsing data voltage and throttle are true value but current value is not true. Actually ı want read current data all esc in the same time. But ı can not this so ı want to read esc data on cube orange. Can anyone help me with this application before?
Thank you

You need to:

  1. use this github PR,
  2. recompile the code,
  3. upload it,
  4. configure its parameters,
  5. make the wire connections
  6. and test the entire thing.

I cant find anythink there current data is wrong .How can I check whether the data coming from esc is correct? Could this esc software not support current data?
Thanks for answer

You can verify it by doing ALL the steps I provided above without skipping any of them.

You said recompile the code but ı dont understand which code ? Can you explain more detailed ?
Github PR explain the esc telemetry but we dont use any telemetry for the esc. We use usb ttl for read serial data. (UART).
Our data exp:
9B 16 01 02 33 3C 00 87 00 87 04 10 01 CC 00 03 00 23 D2 D2 00 00 DC 04
9B 16 01 02 33 3D 00 87 00 87 04 10 01 CB 00 03 00 23 D2 D2 00 00 DC 04
9B 16 01 02 33 3E 00 87 00 87 04 11 01 CC 00 03 00 23 D2 D2 00 00 DF 04
9B 16 01 02 33 3F 00 87 00 87 04 11 01 CC 00 03 00 26 D2 D2 00 00 E3 04
9B 16 01 02 33 40 00 87 00 87 04 0F 01 CC 00 03 00 25 D2 D2 00 00 E1 04
9B 16 01 02 33 41 00 87 00 87 04 10 01 CC 00 03 00 25 D2 D2 00 00 E3 04
9B 16 01 02 33 42 00 87 00 87 04 11 01 CC 00 03 00 24 D2 D2 00 00 E4 04
9B 16 01 02 33 43 00 86 00 86 04 11 01 CC 00 03 00 22 D2 D2 00 00 E1 04
9B 16 01 02 33 44 00 87 00 87 04 10 01 CC 00 03 00 24 D2 D2 00 00 E5 04

Our input current is 00 03 base on this data. When we convert 00 03 we get 3 , than we divide the 64 and result is 0,046875 but its not make sense because this value is too small for the current.

This is hobbywing esc read data protocol :

That is a Pull-request (PR) for ArduPilot. The source code you need to recompile, upload and test is ArduPilot.

Why are you trying USB on a PC? Your PC can not fly. The solution is to use serial connection to the flight controller. That one can fly with your vehicle and use the telemetry data for something useful.

Do not try to implement the protocol, it already has beed done in that ArduPilot PR.

I hope all is clear now.