How to not exceed a set ground speed in pos hold mode

In Pos hold, I need the quad to Not exceed a predetermined ground speed.

Which parameter can I set to achieve this.

That is actually the opposite of how position hold works, so no such parameter or function exists. In Pos Hold mode, the movement of the copter is just as it is in Alt Hold mode. You are controlling the angle of the copter, and it will go as fast or slow as that angle results in, plus or minus the impact of wind, etc. Once you let go of the sticks, it will brake and stop, then hold position. You could put a somewhat lower value in PSC_ANGLE_MAX to limit the lean angle in Pos Hold mode. But that’s not going to give you any specific repeatable speed.

If you want to manage the actual ground speed of the copter, you will need to use Loiter mode. You can configure the maximum speed, accelleration, and angle used in Loiter mode with the LOIT_ parameters described here in the Wiki.

Thank you.
I will try Loitet mode to attempt to achieve this.
Much appreciated.

In Pos hold mode : after flying forward at high speed, on stick centering, there is a time delay before the craft start to activate braking.
Is there a command to reduce the time it takes to activate braking?

You’re probably seeing the rate at which it brakes. There isn’t a programmatic delay before braking. There are some parameters you can adjust to speed up the braking action. Check the PosHold mode wiki.

That being said, it will always be a somewhat gradual stop. It will never stop on a dime if that’s what you’re looking for.

There is a “trick” to do this actually: basically you can use and abuse Brake Mode, either manually or programmatically, to generate aggressive halts. But it’s not at all a kind way to treat a copter or battery, so experiment at your own risk.

Hi. Thx.
Which parameter would I use for this?
I have adjusted phld_brake