I have a pixhwak cube black so I have 3 imu sensors in it. I have done the imu temp calibiration and i have found something wierd, The third imu stop when the temp reached 50 C.
but in the documentation is says for boards that contain an internal heater it is recomeded that the third imu TMAX is lower by about 10 C, So deos this graph seem good?
and in order to get a better temp curve is it better to put the controller under the sun(faster), or leave it in the shadow in the room temp(takes about 2 hours)?
The first post is the most liked post on this ArduPilot user forum, thanks for the likes
But it is cumbersome to edit, limited to 64000 characters and the HTML link anchors change every time I add a new HTML anchor (heading or section).
To facilitate collaboration, and support other vehicles than ArduCopter I decided to move the contents to the new location. There I can receive github Pull requests from collaborators to improve the guide and keep the software synced with it’s HTML anchors. ArduPilot methodic configurator version 0.9.6 and up already uses the new guide.
The only regressions are:
the new guide no longer tracks the amount of times an HTML link was followed, and
the new guide no longer supports “likes”
But you can still like it here
This thread will continue here as a way to discuss the method with forum users that do not have a github account and/or do not know what a pull-request is
I ask the iMU Temperature calibration can it be performed using only the flight controller, therefore not inserted inside/on top of the drone?? Insert it without anything connected to it and place it in the fridge to bring it to a low temperature and then remove it and place it in a warmer environment by connecting it via USB cable to the PC to start the calibration.