How to methodically configure and tune any ArduCopter

Have you done quicktune?

I have not yet. I wanted to see how it would respond.

I am a little gun shy of any kind of tune before I figure out why it goes crazy.

Should I be concerned? Maybe my P and I are low?

I have not seen the log file yet, but if the PIDs were to blame, then a quicktune would have avoided your crash.

The tuning guide only tells you to do hard manouvers on the fifth flight, also after quicktune, magfit and the second quicktune

How big and how heavy is the copter? Post a .zip file with the ArduPilot methodic configurator vehicle configuration directory contents

One thing that I found was I needed to enable this in mission planner first prior to trying to write in configurator * Set SCR_ENABLE = 1 to enable scripting and then reboot the autopilot
Prior to trying to write the quick tune parameters. Otherwise if will fail.

The configuratior does the SCR_ENABLE = 1 on step 13_general_configuration.param and automatically reboots the FC for you. My guess is that you skipped step 13 and that now you are complaining about SCR_ENABLE not being correct on step 22. You do not need mission planner for this. You just need to not skip any steps.

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Wasn’t complaining or being critical, thought you might want feedback. I didn’t skip 13, maybe I missed the SCR section.

Thanks for the feedback. I always want to improve the software. Feedback is welcome and appreciated :grinning:

First quick tune went great, is there any benefit in doing multiple quick tunes?

Yes there is benefit if you do a correct magfit in between them.

So after the quick tune the crash wobble is still there. I didn’t crash this time but almost.
I went up for a hover and meant to flip into alt hold but went into auto tune and welp here is the bin file.

I didn’t go into the mag fit yet because I dont want to crash and damage my quad.

Here is the first quick tune with the QUIK_OSC_SMAX set to 4

I did a second quick tune with the QUIK_OSC_SMAX set to 6 and here are the results

After the 2nd quick tune I didn’t try and see if the wobble was still there.

Do these numbers look normal? They look to be drastically different.

Is it okay for IMU temperature callibration to last for 20 minutes or it has to last for a least one hour to get a better result? I think the IMUs reached the TMAX. the calibration plots

If they reached their max in 20 minutes then that is fine.

But they should have started from -15°C

You clearly did not follow procedure

By the way, am I right that if temperatures exceed TMAX in the real flight, everything can likely go much worse for the craft than even without calibration at all? I observed such a thing with a quad where I initially set TMAX to be some 30 degrees, whereas temperatures can easily reach 50 degrees in flight, because it’s an AIO board. With TMAX at some 65 degrees and a heatbed used to reach this temperature, everything was much better.

it will extrapolate the calibration polynomial curve the current operation temperature. Only in extreme cases where the calibration range is very small compared with the operating range, that extrapolation might be detrimental:

  • Extrapolating 5 or 10 deg might be OK most polynomials.
  • Extrapolating 20 deg or more might be bad with some polynomials.

The correct method is to calibrate using the entire range of temperatures
where the vehicle is expected to operate at, [-20 to 60] in your case I guess.

That is a good example of what not to do.


I am facing this issue after following all methodic configurator steps. I also halved PSC_POSZ_P and PSC_VELZ_P but still oscillations are visible. Mine is 770 grams 5 inch prop quad with PSC_ACCZ_P=0.31 (hover thrust) and PSC_ACCZ_I=0.62.
What more can be done?

@Brianoconner please post the .zip file so that we can find the issue

Zip file

It’s a PID controller. If you are getting overshoot you could try increasing D

@andyp1per i tried this
This is another one