How to install Arducopter on Matek H743WING?

About 18 months ago I asked for (and got) help installing Arductopter on a Matek H743MINI, in this thread. Since then I’ve been flying that heli without any issues, and have installed Arducopter on two Matek H743WING boards by referring to that earlier thread.

This time I’m trying to install it on yet another Matek H743WING board, and I’m tearing my hair out! I’ve tried MP, QGC, STM32CubeProgrammer and dfu-util, but I can’t get anything to work. I think SMT32CubeProgrammer is what worked for my previous two boards, but this time it’s simply not allowing me to select a COM port, giving the message ‘No DFU . . .’ and no port options when I click on the down arrow.

Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong please? My memory of the previous occasions is faded!

Press and hold the boot button while connecting to USB?

Check the device manager if it correctly shows up as DFU device.

Did you recently upgrade to Windows 11 by any chance? I’ve seen this problem a while ago where the FC wouldn’t register as DFU device on a Windows 11 PC, but on a Windows 10 PC it worked perfectly…

P.S.: Here is a condensed version of the instructions, without the forum back and forth.

Thanks for the replies.

I think I did hold the boot button, but I’ll try again to be sure.

I’m still on Windows 10. I see that in Matek’s condensed version of instructions it talks about making sure a DFU driver is installed. I’m not sure about that, so I’ll follow that link too.

I did hold the boot button, but still no DFU. Now I’ve got to write this down quickly before I forget what I’ve done now to get it working:-

I went to the condensed instrutions link in Janno’s post, and from that I clicked on the link near the top labelled ‘Check out “Install DFU drivers”’

That took me to a page which when I scrolled down a bit gave details of two apps to install DFU drivers – Zadig 2.8 and ImpulseRC Driver Fixer. I chose the latter and downloaded it, and followed its instructions. It then reported that it had successfully repaired the driver(s).

I then opened STM32 Cube Programmer, connected the Matek board while holding the boot button down, and it was recognised on USB1. So I then hit the connect button, selected the Arducopter firmware that I’d downloaded to my laptop previously (the ‘with_bl’ version) and installed and verified it.

I still can’t get MP to find which port the board is on when I plug it in, but QGC has no problem with it. I’m going to persevere with MP because that’s the app I’m used to. Hopefully a reboot of the laptop will cure its problem.

Edit: A reboot has done the job!


You only need to use DFU mode and a related programmer app once.

Now that ArduPilot and its bootloader are installed, you can update firmware via Mission Planner in the usual way without holding any buttons down or doing anything special.

Yup, that’s it. I just flashed a new H743-wlite the other day and ran into the same thing. The STM32 programmer flashed no problem, but it was like nothing was there until I re-boot everything.

Great to hear it worked :+1:t2: