How to get the GPS data from APM 2.8?

 I'd like to add a wireless transmission device to the my UAV and deliver the data from the GPS module to my computer, through which I write a script to analyse it. I went through the sourse code and find the directory named AP_GPS in the libraries. But I'm not good at reading code and i still don't know how to find the method that directly gives GPS data.
 I wonder how to get the GPS data and if I am able to add my own code to the APM through arduino. Is there anyone that  can offer me a little help. Thanks a lot.

Well for starters you can add telemetry radios, or Bluetooth and send ALL telemetry to a computer that is running Mission Planner or APM Planner, or you can use an android device that is running the Tower or Droid Planner apps.

The real question is what do you intend to accomplish once you have the GPS data?

Thanks a lot for the answer.
Here is my plan. For example, when the methane leaks, the UVA takes a sensor which detects the combustible gases in the air to scan the whole area. It sends the concentration of the gas with the GPS data to my computer so that I can do some analysis.
The problem is that I don’t know how to modify the code, get the GPS data and send it to my computer.

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主题: [ArduPilot Discuss] [ArduCopter] How to get the GPS data from APM2.8?

           August 14                        

Well for starters you can add telemetry radios, or Bluetooth and send ALL telemetry to a computer that is running Mission Planner or APM Planner, or you can use an android device that is running the Tower or Droid Planner apps.

The real question is what do you intend to accomplish once you have the GPS data?

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