How to force pitch AUTOTUNE?

Can you confirm the coder overwrites LIM_ROLL_CD , LIM_PITCH_MAX , LIM_PITCH_MIN ? I have not seen that behavior. Perhaps it only occurs under certain conditions? In my logs, these parameters appear only once, suggesting they stay constant during tune.

Hi Ari,
Thanks for the ongoing tests. From my understanding the variables mentioned above are not the rates for the maximum deflections. As described in the full parameter list these are the maximum deflections and should not be affected by AUTOTUNE.
The variable for roll rate is called RLL2SRV_RMAX and PTCH2SRV_RMAX_UP and PTCH2SRV_RMAX_DN belongs to the pitch rates.

I took a closer look in the actual documentation of AUTOTUNE and there is a recommendation to:

move the stick rapidly

Don’t worry sometimes I was too gentle too.

Regards Sascha

Thank you for catching that. Like a good legal document, the information is all there, and yet this engineer keeps missing it. I would probably structure the document differently if I were writing it, but I don’t want to rewrite someone else’s work just because I couldn’t follow it. Perhaps it would be helpful to call out the actual parameter refs that the routine modifies, like you do here.
