How To Connect Pixhawk 4 Dshot ESC

Starting here would be advisable.

Now it will arm, but it won’t stay armed Battery level is low. I will need to charge it. I will talk to you later. Thanks for the help. We’re making progress. Thanks

And my main battery is dead in 4 cells. So, I have to wait till payday to go further

Ok, let me ask that question again. My radio is calibrated. Do I need to set the outputs of channels 9-12 as AETR since I had to change motors 1-4 to work on channel 9-12?

The question doesn’t make any more sense by asking it twice. AETR are RC Inputs, Aux channels 9-12 are Motor outputs. If you won’t read the Wiki then Google “how does a flight controller work”, there are many guides.

Normally 9-12 are the aux channels. 1-8 are the main channels, that’s why you have to resign them so they work with the dshot escs.
Something has to be prevented the radio from controlling the proper channels.

What do I have to look at to figure out why my radio won’t control the quad? I’ll go look there, but the documentation is not giving me that information.

That’s what setting the servo function sorts out for you. The rc doesn’t talk to the motors. It talks to the flight controller, which does a bunch of math, then the flight controller talks to the motors.
If you are having trouble with RC, please read the documentation and then step through it.
When asking for help, please be detailed about what steps you took, and what equipment you’re using. Without details everyone is just guessing.

I’ve read every page of documentation people send me. If the answer was there, I wouldn’t ask here.
I’ve tried everything, I don’t know how to list everything I’ve done.

Post your parameter file then.

I’ll post my parameter file when I get back on the computer.

Any success controlling the motors by now?
Can someone post his parameters with dshot spinning motors and quadcopter flying, please?

I had success by disabling the “Low RPM protection” for all escs. Before that, the motors would not react to any rc input, however the motors were able to arm.