First off, I apologize I only come here with questions, and do not provide much support for others. My problem is I am too new and not versed enough to help really.
So I am configuring a new radio to use with my heli. I have a Goblin RAW 580 setup as an FPV helicopter. I am using a Castle HV80 ESC in the setRPM governor mode. I like to setup a ground idle rpm, and two flight rpm values. Is there a way I can do this while using the HeliRSC mode, or do I need to use the RC passthru mode?
I could not find a way to use HeliRSC and still send my three rotor rpm values to the ESC.
If it helps I am coming from a viewpoint of using throttle hold to switch off the main rotor, and a flight mode switch to select the rotor speed. This was the old school way of rotor control, and well, I’m old and that’s what I am used to. Hopefully someone can help me achieve what I am trying to do. Thank in advance for any help.
Well that’s not what I wanted to hear, Lol. It makes sense for as much as I know about the system (which is not much), but I would think there could be something like bank switching that could use different filters in each bank, and the bank is selected by the ESC signal. Just thinking out loud.
I know I can make it work through mixing in my transmitter, but that is not the route I wanted to go. Maybe someone else will have a solution. Thanks for your feedback.
It’s not just filters, but also the PIDs that need to be switched. There’s been some talk about different ways to do it. From what I’ve read it will probably be in a LUA script. Multiple heli rotor speeds was one of the potential use cases for it. So it’s on the radar, but I wouldn’t put a build on hold while you wait for it.
better not to use any transmitter mixing and do not associate idle-ups to flight modes.
First you would have to tune your heli rate controllers for each rpm setpoint you intend to use, so you will end up with 2-at least- different sets of gains for roll/pitch/yaw.
You should use H_RSC_MODE 2, don’t use passthrough.
Then, as @Allister said, the best way to do it is through Lua scripting. This part will require some coding work. You can associate each set of gains to each idle-up phase, so switching between idle-ups will switch the gains set accordingly.
As for the notch filter, it should be setup to track main rotor rpm (you will need a hall sensor connected to the flight control)- this way the filter will dinamically follow the rotational speed of the main rotor- whatever idle-up you are using.
Couple of further recommendations:
the throttle-hold and idle-ups will be handled through channel 8 on your RC (tied for example to a 3 pos switch), you will have to ensure that idle-ups are not below 50% of travel on that channel (or rc8in>1500us for all idle-ups) .
set receiver failsafe for channel 8 to the lowest idle-up.
Thank you for your reply. Lua script coding is something I’ve never done, and not sure I want to learn it right now. After reading these replies I think I’ll make my life easy and just use the HeliRSC mode and settle on one head speed for now. I have a lot more to learn about Ardupilot setup and programming. Thank you guys for helping me. Happy flying to you all.
Wait is there already a lua that someone is working on for this? If there is id be curios to take a look at it. I have been playing with the idea of using a lua for multiple head speeds using ardu for gov but I am very new to lua and can hardly make the LEDs work the way I want.
It looks like this ESC supports some sort of telemetry out so you might be able to get RPM from the ESC instead of installing a magnet and hall sensor. You will have to look in to the options for your ESC if you have not already but ardupilot might be able to take that telem with out their special cable. Or some ESC just output an RPM pulse on one of the wires too.
I did see somewhere while researching there is a cable I can make to get ESC telemetry data. That seems like the easiest thing for me to try. I have a few other projects going on so this will be a back burner issue for now.
The lua script was suggested by Allister. I have no idea how to do it. Something I’ve not got into yet. Have flying to you.