How is "Vibe" measured? (Not just for copter!)

I am curious. What is the difference between acceleration and vibe? We know that vibe < 15m/s/s is good, acceleration is in [-3m/s/s 3m/s/s] for X and Y, [-15m/s/s -5m/s/s] is okay for Z.
How is the “vibe” computed? My theory is summing of rotational acceleration (gyro) and translational acceleration (pure acceleration), but we need a vector (a radius) for this computing. If yes, where this point is in the chassis?


If not, could someone show me the theory?
Thanks in advance.

If you just Google search “Arducopter vibration”, the 1st link will take you there.

  • Capture the raw x, y and z accelerometer values from the primary IMU
  • High-pass filter the raw values at 5hz to remove the vehicle’s movement and create a “accel_vibe_floor” for x,y and z axis.
  • Calculate the difference between the latest accel values and the accel_vibe_floor.
  • Square the above differences, filter at 2hz and then calculate the square root (for x, y and z). These final three values are what appear in the VIBE msg’s VibeX, Y and Z fields.
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