Previously I can still access the gimbals and camera functions. Now I can’t set it anymore on the mission planner in the new update.
That is fine but I want to trigger one of the Aux out as a relay trigger. Trigger low.
Set it as GPIO in “servo output” Servo 12.
Go to set up in my channel 8. No GPIO? Ok maybe it’s relay. Nope doesn’t work.
What is up with the new update? How to set up my AUX as relay in the new update??? Anyone use your controller to trigger camera trigger?
After trying for 3 hours, at last I got the answer. You can’t set camera trigger. or at least I don’t know how.
I can only set it as relay. The wiki is pretty outdated in this. Can’t find a proper solution on the wiki.
I like to volunteer updating the wiki anyone knows how?
Default relay status is off
Relay1_pin I set it to Aux4 because. 1,2,3 I had connected it with gimbals.
Then I send the servo_ouptut corresponding servo to GPIO. In my case is Servo 12.
Finally Set up my channel 8, which I prefer to be channel 8 to Relay on/off. That is relay1.
Reboot the system and it work.