How do I find out what operating system I have loaded on my Pixhawk 2.4.8

I originally was running Nutxx but I may have flashed it with ChibiOS and need to figure out what its currently running. How do I do that?

Connect to the Flight Controller in Mission Planner and look at the messages screen.


I didn’t know where to start but can do that much.

The main issue I’m having is my drone will not arm. I don’t think there is really anything wrong with it but its not happy with something. Does anybody here know of a checklist of some kind that can be used to find common arming issues? I had this machine arming find a few days ago.

It will typically tell you right in that same messages screen or in the HUD.The most common head slapper is the Safety Switch…

You can check by connecting it to Mission Planner or QGroundControl. These platforms have been stable for years, so the process should be similar regardless of the post’s age.