I’m having trouble setting up hovering. The craft is a relatively powerful quad with four 2306 motors driving 5042 pros. I started with MOT_THST_HOVER at 0.2, but when I raised the Thro a little, it flew up. I have MOT_HOVER_LEARN enabled, so I’m hoping it will learn, but CTUN.Th0 doesn’t get closer to CTUN.ThH. The two remain far apart. Looking at the analysis graph, the average value of Th0 is about 0.05. However, it is outside the setting range of MOT_THST_HOVER. Also, the flight mode is set to Drift, but the rudder doesn’t work, so it’s very difficult to hover. I wish I could use STAB mode. There are so many things I could not understand. I need help.
You need to set MOT_THST_HOVER
manually below a certain level.
Start with the 0.05 you derived from the log and adjust from there to achieve hover.
You might want to add some payload so the copter is not so overpowered.
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It will not learn below .125. Set it as @xfacta suggested and disable learning.
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Thank you for your advice!
Thank you. When I looked at the data carefully, I saw that MOT_THST_HOVER was adjusted to 0.125. It can’t go any lower than this! I’ll turn off learning right away, set the initial value to 0.05, and retest.
Hello. I set MOT_HOVER_LEARN to Disable, changed MOT_THST_HOVER to 0.05, and tried hovering today. However, when I checked the data, CTUN.ThH was 0.125. Why is that?