Thanks, could I have got this information from the BRD_TYPE parameter after installing the standard firmware on this board ?. The BRD_TYPE is currently set at 2.
I’ve noticed another way Mission Planner detects and displays the board type.
Start MP with board disconnected
Connect board by plugging in USB cable
Initial Config menu -> Install Firmware
Select appropriate frame icon
Confirm that you want to load that firmware by selecting “yes”
The next pop up will be a small window asking “Upload Chibios ?” but before answering check to the bottom left of the screen just under the progress bar and you should see what type of board that MP detected. I have a Pixhawk 2.4.8 (its a clone) and it detected it as a px4v2 which is one of the board types used in the compilation.
It looks like the HkPilot32 board id is px4v3. I compiled with the board type px4-v3 but noticed that its using Nuttx. Tried with fmuv3 and that seems to use chibios. Its also one of the board types you suggested in you original reply so will use that one.