Hexsoon 650 build

I’m building a Hexsoon-650 kit - my first foray into arducopter after a number of far smaller FPV builds. I’m using the motors and ESC that came with the kit, Cube flight controller, Herelink receiver, Here 3 GPS. Everything is going great except that I can’t get the motors to work.

When I power up, each of the motors is twitching and beeping every second or so. Motor tests do nothing, ESC calibration does nothing … just the incessant beeping. I can’t see anything in the logs, I can’t find anything on Google except a suggestion that the min throttle is too high (changed it, nothing happened). I’m sure this is an absolute newbie question, but I’ve reached the limit of my knowledge. What have I overlooked or done wrong?

Post the parameter file

Set this parameter:
and use MissionPlanner motor test extensively to check motor order and spin directions.
When you think you’ve got it right, check again.

Also use the motor test to check and set MOT_SPIN_ARM to the lowest reliable/smooth start up speed, and add a bit, usually +0.03, for MOT_SPIN_MIN

In the motor test some value like 8% = 0.08 in the parameters.