hexacopter pitch down and flips while take off. but when i give pitch up input and full throttle it get in to sky.
with pitch up input
hexacopter pitch down and flips while take off. but when i give pitch up input and full throttle it get in to sky.
with pitch up input
please copy the video link and open it in new tab it is an dropbox link
We need a .bin dataflash log file to identify the problem. Videos are not enough
your early response is highly appreciated because I need to clear this error before tommorrow
and also when I run motor test at QGC only two motrs spin at all motor test. But all motors spin independantly
You need to sort that out first. Probably MOT_SPIN_MIN and _ARM are not set correctly.
There is a big spread in the motor outputs. And motors at 1700 for a hover test. This suggests the drone is underpowered or overweight. I don’t see any voltage or current monitoring so hard to say. Good idea to get voltage and current monitoring working. Also given the spread in output values I would say there was either a wind or the drone was unbalanced.
For these flights you should only be in stabilized mode. Don’t use acro, autotune (yet) or land.
Many of the initial paramaters are still on defaults. Make sure you use the Mission Planner Helper to get the values set.
Have you verified on the RC control that when you move the pitch stick forward (up) that the green bar goes to a lower value?