Hexacopter Crash failsafe

Hello all,

I am using “cuav x7 pro” flight controller, the vehicle type is hexacopter, and the firmware is ArduCopter V4.5.4 (fd1bcc61).

I want to access to the crash failsafe parameters, I want to set the max pitch and ROLL angle, and the faisafe crash action.

In last test I noted that the action was taken when crash has detected is RTL, while the hexacopter was in a very bad situation it couldn’t doing RTL. For that I think the action should be changed to Landing directly.

I tried searching for crash parameters in the full parameters page by using mission planner, but I couldn’t find enough parameters for this faisafe, I attached a screenshot please check.

Can anyone help me please to find the whole crash faisafe parameters .


You are confusing different kinds of crashes.
ARMING _CRSDP_IGN is for flight controller crashes ie. something went horribly wrong in the code and flight controller was restarted in flight. Should be set to 0 unless you know what you are doing and understand what caused the failure.

FS_CRASH_CHECK disarms the vehicle if it detects that it crashed (experienced excessive acceleration).

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Hi, thank you for your reply,

It’s clear now, I have furthermore question, how to change the crash failsafe action?

ArduCopter failsafes:


Crash check:

There is no way to change the the crash failsafe action it always disarms.


Thank you, that was very useful