Here3 gps not working

I was trying to flash the firmware of my here 3 gps on U Blox and now the gps is not working at all. On mission planner it says “GPS: NO GPS”. It also keeps saying “EKF3 waiting for GPS config data” and “Alt estimate needed”. Kinda stuck right now…

Hello robthomas,

Have you tried to access the SLCAN port in MP and try to reflash the firmware of it? Maybe you have to come back the passthrough parameter to zero to enable it again or reflash the Here3 firmware.
Try to follow these instructions:

Let me know what happens if this fail.

Sounds good. I will try that!

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I recently had this problem and was able to flash two Hee3 GPS and get them running immediately after.

First, make sure that before you connect to tcp in ublox that you follow the here3 manual exactly step by step (referring to flashing firmware TO BETA, subsiquently restarting the unit, checking the tcp port). Next check that the Node.Id in UAVCAN is set to 10.

At this point tcp should connect. On this step I kept having the firmware install fail. It would simply provide an error message. Instead, using the same parameters as the firmware update tool, do a legacy firmware update (found just below the normal firmware update button). If that completes, change the passthrough parameter back to zero, power cycle the vehcile, and the gps should blink blue and MP will report ‘GPS: No Fix’.

Note that I could get tcp to connect only when I wouldn’t close MP after finishing pre-ublox-update tasks.